Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My first guest post: Coca de Sant Joan

Doesn't it look yummy? It's actually delicious! A brioche base with pastry cream filling and topping, drizzled with pine nuts and candied fruit. A combo made in heaven.

I made this coca for my first guest post at Happee Monkee in which I also talk about my experience living in the US (Already 2 years!!!). I know you're curious so come check it out here and by all means, let me know what you think! pleaaaaase :) . Don't forget to enjoy Mable's blog as well, she's a very talented cook and photographer!


  1. Mmm que rico! te ha salido espectacular! Besos

  2. Que bonica que t'ha quedat i a de ser molt bona.
    Un petonet

  3. How absolutely gorgeous! And, filled with cream? Are you trying to kill me?! That's ok. It sounds like it's soooo worth it! xoxo

  4. Molt be, molt beee! Ara mateix vaig cap alla a veure que tal!!
    La coca, ESPECTACULAR!!

  5. ¡ENHORABUENA! ¡Nunca he visto este tipo de pan pero tiene un aspecto buenísimo! Quiero un pedazote ahora mismo. Ahorita voy a leer tu guest post y conseguir la receta jejeje.

  6. Nena, enhorabona t'ha quedat espectacularment preciosa. Nosaltres, per Sant Joan érem a Roma, o sigui que no hem tastat la coca i ara m'has fet una salivera terrible!! Molts petons i enhorabona!!

  7. Looks really good, love the cream filling, will be a surprise upon biting into your creation.
