Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Banana everything blondies and things to do in Portland

Yay! first post in... forever! Sorry guys... grad school is intense. Actually, my life's been pretty intense in the last two months. I don't know how, but way more things that I could think of, happened in the last two months. I know, you're curious...

Let's see... I started grad school which means teaching and a bunch of classes. I met about 20 new people from my department, plus about another 20 new people from outside of school. I made friends with some of those people. In fact, some of those people are a fundamental part of my mental survival these days.

With those new friends, I've seen a good amount of bars and coffee places in Portland that I highly recommend. Let's see... right next to school there's Momo's, which has a great patio with picnic tables. Now that it's cold, they have heaters so you can enjoy your drinks and not freeze outside. For a great sports watching experience, a.k.a seeing the Giants win the world series, Claudia's Sports Pub & Grill. Giant screen and great food. If you want even more awesome food, or the best wings in Portland plus dirty, unhealthy but extremely yummy fried oreos, Fire on the Mountain is the place to go (check out their site, it's mad cool!). If after lots of wings and beer, you're hangover and need a coffee, Little t american baker is waiting for you. They even make those cute foam shapes on your cappuccino.

Besides eating and drinking, there's been other activities. My friends convinced me to start hulahooping. I know, sounds like kids games, but it's extremely fun! Add to it the city sport in Portland, or what could be it. Frisbee. Ultimate frisbee, frisbee golf? make your pick! I'm all for frisbee golf at McIver state park which is a beautiful place to spend a Saturday or Sunday morning, even if you don't 'folf'. On the way there, you're gonna want to stop at Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain Store, that's right, it's the true Bob's Red Mill and it's located right outside the city. (In fact we're pretty positive we saw Bob himself!). And not only is there a factory but also a great restaurant. I highly recommend their biscuits and gravy or their grits. Which are two things I discovered this last two months as well!

So I made friends and we went places. I also liked someone, dated that someone for a while and it didn't work out. But that's life and it just keeps rolling. So last weekend I got together with some of my buddies and made these blondies. They are sort of an accident. While I was completely positive I'd bought chocolate chips, I was greatly surprised when I opened the bag and saw they were in fact butterscotch chips. So my originally intended banana bread for my friend Joe, turned into bananas + butterscotch and why not some of the leftover coconut milk I was using for my curry. To top it off, some peanut butter swirl on top. Done and done! and delicious! 

So, what have you guys done lately? and most importantly, what have you baked? 

The everything blondies
2 very ripe bananas mashed
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup coconut milk
4 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup butterscotch chips
About 3 tablespoons peanut butter for the swirl

Preheat your oven at 350 F

In a bowl, beat together the melted butter and the sugar. Add the banana and mix until creamy and then stir in the coconut milk and the egg. Mix the flour until just combined and add the butterscotch chips. Pour the batter in a greased large baking pan (13 x 9 in) and flatten it up with a spatula. Add a couple tablespoons of peanut butter on top and swirl with a knife. Bake for 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Wait until the blondies are cooled down to cut them.


  1. It's so nice to see a new post up! I'm glad you're enjoying Portland, and still baking - those blondies look delicious.

  2. Bananas, coconut milk + butterscotch = yum! These sound delish. Not much baking going on in my world at the moment so lovely to live through yours! x

  3. Ummmmm Adri, quina delícia, el plàtan i el coco fan un maridatge perfecte!!!!

  4. Neat recipe. These look sooo good.

  5. Looks like a happy accident to me! Banana is probably my favorite thing to experiment with when baking. I can really see the gooey, chewy texture in these blondies and I'm sure they taste divine!

    There's a Bobs Red Mill Store?!?!? I am obsessed with BRM stuff, especially since I can order boxes of it from Amazon to stock up the boat. I have family in Oregon so I'll make them take me to the store next time I'm there!

  6. mm this sounds indulgent and healthy at the same time. me like it!

  7. Thanks for your blondies recipe, have never thought of putting bananas in them before, great idea.

  8. Adriana , el bloc m´encanta , la recepta te la prenc,( tinc quinze quilos de plàtans per gastar! i se m´acaben les idees)el meu anglès de pena, pel que faig servir traductor, puc imaginar les penúries que passa la gent en traduïr els meus texts al castellà o a l´anglès, però t´asseguro que no serà impediment perquè torni a veure´t.

  9. I'm really happy to hear that you're enjoying grad school, new friends, and Portland. All wonderful things. Your recipe looks wonderful. Perfect with coffee!!!!! Have you tried Barista on Alberta Street yet? Cold-press coffee!

  10. Adri, tens un Bob's Red Mill store als afores de Portland??!! Wow!! Quina sort!!
    Aquests blondies per ser un accident t'han quedat genials! ;)

  11. Preciosa! ja veiem que a Portland ja hi tens una família, i que ja t'has fet el teu raconet al món. Bravo. Bona manera de començar a enfornar a la teva nova ciutat. Aquest blondie està de muerteeee! PEtons reina.

  12. I'm amazed that you a) bake and b) blog about baking while in grad school. I could barely manage to feed myself and get both shoes on the right feet! And yes, those people in your department will be your life-line the next few years. Lean on them! And would've never thought to add banana to blondies. Genius!

  13. What an AMAZING combo of ingredients!!!! I can't wait to try this!

    Great blog! Happy I found you!

    Mary xo
    Delightful Bitefuls

  14. estoy de visita en tu blog y me encanta me quedo en el de seguidora te invito a visitar mi blog dulce, un beso

  15. Per favor!!! No havia vist l'ultima entrada!!!! Sorry 1000.
    Quin repàs per apuntar que ens has fet, quan faci una visita a Portland agafarè la llista.
    Aquest blondie es digne de llibre, i per esmorzar o berenar, ideal!!

  16. I always have bananas to use up. Can't wait to make these!

  17. Love your improvised (healthier!) blondies - they sound awesome. :)

    Yesterday I was at a little fiesta and a friend brought her homemade hula hulas (that's what they call them here) and they were sooooo much fun. I'm going to make a couple to play with. :D

    I've been working on a recipe for flourless peanut butter cookies (they don't have good pb down here - it all has hydrogenated oil in it) so they're made with freshly ground peanuts. Riquísimo!

  18. Me n'alegro que hagis conegut a gent :) Quant canvies de ciutat i de companys és crucial per la supervivencia mental, com molt bé has dit.

    La meva vida també ha canviat força en els últims dos mesos, tot i que no de manera tan positiva. He dicidit deixar la uni (no se si ho vas llegir en el meu últim post) i a finals de desembre me'n vaig a Moscou a passar tres mesos. Segurament treballant (o això espero).

    Sobre lo de cuinar...doncs fa deu minuts he tret uns biscotti del forn. Cremats i durs com una roca >.< La propera vegada ja sortirà millor.
