Thursday, March 11, 2010

Flying strawberry chocolate chip coffee cake

Last weekend I had the pleasure to visit my friends Amanda, Ben and Orion in Cape Cod. There's no visiting any friends with empty hands, so I brought chocolate muffins and this coffee cake.

Funny, or not so funny story... we left the house for a bit and Ben's sweet little dog, Lucy, ate two of the muffins. Don't ask me how, but she managed to take them out of the plastic wrap. As freaked out as we were, nothing super bad happened.

Well, now let me get you a bit jealous. As Amanda says, Ben is one of those people that comes with perks. His perk is he flies planes. As of now, little ones, but beware Boeing! here comes Ben...
So guess what, we got to fly over the cape and adore the beauty of the landscape...

The coffee cake was our after flight treat and it was not overly sweet, moist, tender and rich. Semi-melted chocolate chips and delicious baked strawberry... Yum!

To make it...

1/2 stick of butter
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 fat free yogurt (or half a cup of sour cream)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
3 ounces chocolate chips
1 cup of  fresh strawberries

Note! I baked a small coffee cake, the size of a squared 6 x 6 in pan. Feel free to double the recipe if you want to make a bigger or thicker cake.

Preheat your oven to 350 F.

In a bowl cream together the butter and sugar. Add the egg and mix well. Mix in the yogurt and the vanilla extract. Beat in the flour and baking powder just until incorporated.
Clean the strawberries and slice them (about 4 slices for each strawberry). Pour half of the coffee cake batter in your greased baking pan. Place the strawberry slices on top of the batter. Cover with the rest of the batter. Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top, pressing them down a little bit so they get well attached.

Bake for about 30 min or until a toothpick comes out clean. Let it cool and cut into squares.


Maria said...

Lucky you, and your friends!! Nena, que be tindre aquests amics que et poden oferir aquestes experiencies voladores!!
Ara, ells no es poden queixar, amb amigues que venen amb aquest sarro sota el braç, jo estaria encantada que em vinguessis a veure cada cap de setmana!!
A mi no m'agrada gaire el cafè, però amb les maduixes i la xoco trobo que és una combinació força encertada!!!
Un petonàs!!!

Maria said...

jajaja!! Vaig llegir la teva recepta super tard per la nit (o molt aviat a la matinada) i et juro que vaig llegir coffee ens els ingredients!!
Quan aquest matí he llegit el teu missatge he pensat, com que no, si jo ho vaig llegir??? que diu ara l'Adriana??? Sóc un cas, no puc anar llegint receptes a altes hores... M'he tronxat de la risa quan ho he vist!!
De totes formes, jo me'l menjaria amb un bon suc de taronja natural!!

Si que triomfa si el teu banana bread en l'hospi, a més és molt sa tant pel plàtan (molt bo per les rampes) com per la xoco (incrementa a saco les endorfines)!! Tu segueix oferint-nos aquestes "receptasses"!!!
Un petonàs

Anonymous said...

pone coffee en el titulo...

Carmen said...

Adri, unes fotos fantàstiques, ja em puc imaginar que bo ha d'estar. Petons

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