Sunday, March 21, 2010

Marbled banana bread

First of all, I hope you like the new design for the blog... I can't wait to hear your feedback!

Sunday afternoon... what better than a bit of banana bread and a cup of coffee to wrap it up? And what about we add chocolate to that banana bread? Yum!

As usual, ripe bananas are the trick to amazing flavor...

3 ripe bananas mashed
1 3/4 cups flour
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 plain yogurt
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons chocolate chips
2 tablespoons cocoa powder

Preheat oven to 350 F

Cream together butter and sugar. Stir in the yogurt. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Mix in the vanilla, bananas and chocolate chips. Do not add the cocoa powder yet! Add the flour, baking powder and baking soda. Now divide the batter in half (approximately). To half of the batter, add the cocoa powder. Mix well but try not to overmix. On a loaf pan, alternatively add the cocoa powder and the plain batter by tablespoonfuls. Swirl with a knife to create the marble effect. As you see mine was not quite marbled at the beginning of the loaf but it sure was as you got to the middle of it. Bake for about 60 min or until a toothpick comes out clean.

This bread comes out moist and soft and bitting into the chocolate chips with the flavor of the banana still in your mouth... hmm! Enjoy!


Maria said...

OOOOhhhhh!! There's no words to describe it!!!
Nena,jajajaja, quin "look" més encertat pel blog, m'encanta!!!!!!!!!! Super divertit, així com pintat, molt informal i amb aquesta blancor que potencia molt més els colors de la foto enorme al centre!! No hi ha res que et distregui del que més importa, que és el menjar...
M'hauràs de fer classes de disseny de blog, sóc un desastre jo en aixó!!!
I aquest banana bread.... em fa fer salivera!!!

MªJose-Dit i Fet said...

Umm a un bocinet ara mateix per aguantar fins l´hora de dinar no diria que no...petonets

Anonymous said...

Ostres, quanta xocolata, no, Adri? Jo no vull dir res...
Bé, passant a opinar sobre la recepta... és de les més curtes que recordo en el teu blog. No he hagut de fer córrer gaire la rodeta del ratolí per arribar fins els comentaris. Un dia que tingui temps provaré de fer-lo ;)

Oysters, there's a lot of chocolate, isn't it, Adri? I don't want to mean anything...
Well, going to comment about the recipe ... is one of shorters recall I remember on your blog. I haven't had much to run de wheel of mouse to get to the comments. One day I have time I'll try to cook it. ;)

Daniel said...

Anonymous és en Daniel.

Anonymous is Daniel.

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