Monday, April 19, 2010

Easiest apple tart ever

My oven hates me. I know it, I'm sure. He's being abused by the uncontrolled amount of baking that's been going on lately. I've found myself offering to bake something for every tiny little celebration that goes on both with friends and at work. And that's a lot of baking. Believe me.

Last Friday the excuse was a little cute boy called Connor, who was born 3 weeks ago. It was time to meet my friends' baby! We hadn't seen each other for a while. I thought it'd be nice to bring something to enjoy all together. And I thought about a tart (easy transportation). Since I had a ton of apples left in the kitchen...

Apple tart it is! Who doesn't like apple tart? you? well, then you're weird. Sorry, no offense. You are, it's ok, we can still be friends.

Make this. It's good for you. Me and L ate 1 slice each. A ate 2 slices and took the rest home. I've heard there was no tart left the day after. Conclusion: easy, yummy, make it, eat it, smile.

For the crust:
Note: this is a pie crust. It works well for the apple tart as well. If you're purists with not using pie crust for the tart, just wait a bit! there's a real unshrinkable tart crust coming soon (next post).

1 1/4 cups flour
1 stick butter
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 cup of water, very cold.

For the filling:

4 large apples
4 tablespoons brown sugar
3 tablespoons melted butter
Jam to brush. I used blueberry.

In a bowl mix together the dry ingredients. Then cut the butter into cubes, while still cold and add it to the flour. With your hands or a pastry cutter, incorporate the butter into the flour until pebbles form. Add a bit of water and mix well to see if the dough comes all together in a bowl. If it doesn't add a bit more water. Chill the dough for half an hour and then roll in a floured surface.

Bake the partially, for about 10 min at 350 F. It doesn't need to bake completely since it will be in the oven another 45 min. Mix the apples with the melted butter and the sugar making sure they all get coated.

In the meantime, peel, core and cut the apples in slices. Mix the slices with the melted butter and brown sugar, making sure they get evenly coated.

When the crust is ready, place the apple slices on top. I tried to arrange them in a flower shape but you can go even faster and just spread them over the crust. Bake for about 20 min so the sugar and butter soaks them. Then take the tart out of the oven and brush the apples with jam. Bake the tart for another 25 min or until apples are golden brown.

Serve alone or with vanilla ice cream.

Printable recipe!


Maria said...

Guapetona!!! M'encanta el color que et va agafar amb la blueberry jam... ja t'ho vaig dir... li dona un toc original!!!
La veritat és que no m'extrany que you, L i A (sembla l'abecedari això) disfrutessiu del pastís... té molt bona pinta!!
Ahh, i tingues clar que el Sr. Forn no t'odia... li encanta el perfum que fa quan decideixes fer "baking"!! Ja descansarà a l'estiu!!!

Mercè said...

Adri, no fa falta fer gaires filigranes... amb un pastís de poma com aquest teu, hi canten els àngels! ;) Jo crec que el teu forn no t'odia, sinó que està content de ser tan útil!!! ;)

Carmen said...

Estic amb la Mercè i la Maria, si el teu forn t'odiés, no et deixaria fer aquests pastissos tan bons. La melmelada un encert i per acabar, una boleta de gelat com dius i és el súmmum.
Petonets maca.

Neus said...

Noia quin pastis, per no tenir una bona relació amb el forn, casi prefereixo que el meu forn tampoc m'estimi.
Ptns des de Barcelona city.

Adriana said...

Carmen... jo no he esborrat res eh!! aixo el blogger que esta tocat del bolet...

Carai noies, veig que us ha agradat la tart! doncs mira, super facil de transportar! ni es desmunta ni res! i va la mar de be per picar alguna cosa a mitja tarda amb un cafe!

Petonets a totes!!!

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