Tuesday, May 4, 2010


When I was a kid my mum would buy me brioches once a week. They were shaped like a little loaf of bread and she'd fill them with ham and cheese for breakfast. I guess those childhood memories are the reason why I love brioche. So much so, that even though the bakery next to my place has wonderful muffins, croissants and other pastries, if I ever buy anything, it's always a brioche.

The slight sweetness of this bread combines well with sweet and savory. And let's face it, there's nothing as fluffy and delicate as a warm brioche. These ones were good, although they certainly will get better with practice. I'm sure my friend S will be willing to try all the possible recipes and trials. I know this because while sniffing one of these brioches she gave the following speech:

'I don't understand why people would want to sniff drugs when there's the smell of freshly baked goods, for real, I don't get it'

I guess I don't need to say no more!

500 g flour
250 mL lukewarm milk
7 g active dry yeast
75 g sugar
75 g butter melted
1 egg

To make sure your yeast is active, dissolve it in half the lukewarm milk and add a tablespoon of the sugar. Let it proof for about 10 min. It should rise very obviously.
In a bowl, combine the flour and sugar. Make a well in the center of the mix and add the yeast mixture and the rest of the milk. Mix well with a wooden spoon or your hands. Add the egg and the melted butter and combine. The dough will be slightly sticky. Knead it until smooth by folding it over itself repeatedly. The more air you trap in the dough, the fluffier and softer the brioches. If you'd like, mix in a few chocolate chips into the dough for chocolate brioches.
Let the dough rise in a slightly warm place for about 2 hr or until doubled in volume. Split the dough in 12 equal pieces (weighing it is a good idea). Place in muffin tins and/or baking cups. Let it rise for an hour. Ideally, brush the brioches with egg wash before baking. My yeast was not working very well and I was afraid I'd deflate them, so I didn't.

Bake the brioches at 400 F for about 10 or until golden brown.

 This recipe was submitted to Yeastspotting


Maria said...

Bon dia, podría posar- me un brioix, o millor, 2, un amb xocolata també!!
En vull un d'aquests que es fonen a la boca.... i fan que tinguis un esmorzar PERFECTE!!
Adri, quins brioixets tan bufons!! Espera, espera... Oloro alguna cosa... Ahh és el teu brioix!!!

La cuina vermella said...

Quins records del brioix, la mare també en comprava pels berenars familiars, i eren més que bons. Els teus son deliciosos, com sempre, has fet un post encantador. Moltes petons.

Carmen said...

Però Adri, quina meravella de briox m'encanten amb xocolata, em porto un parell. Petonets

Mercè said...

T'han quedat de luxe!! I que bons que són! I amb la xocolata... extraordinaris! ;)

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